The Best time to visit Munich – May?

by amuc001

When is the best time to visit Munich? Whenever you go to a destination abroad where you’ve never been to before, you will ask yourself: When should I go there? Are there “good” or “bad” months? Of course, every city looks far better on a nice sunny day than in heavy rain. There are only a few places in the world where it doesn’t matter when to go, as the weather conditions are always perfect. Unfortunately, Munich is not such a place. Also, hotel prices vary throughout the seasons. Here I will tell you about the best months of the year when you should visit Munich, and of course when you should avoid visiting Munich. This time I will tell you about the things you can expect throughout May in Munich

May in Munich

May is usually the first month of the year where it is possible to do all kinds of outdoor activities without limitation. Often the weather conditions are good and temperatures are perfect. In the last years, we could also see the first heatwave in May bringing the temperatures up to 25°C/77°F. Unfortunately, these heat waves come and go quickly, which stresses your body. It’s normal during such a period that the temperature may rise from around 10°C/50°F to 25°C/77°F. This is an increase of 15°C/27°F sometimes within 24 hours! The good side is the clear sky, and the summer feeling. May can, therefore, feel (at least during a heatwave) like summer but with lower hotel prices. During May many flowers are in full bloom, so you won’t get disappointed when taking photos.

Weather in Munich - May

May often brings summerlike temperatures. Already at the beginning of the month, it can be pretty warm and beautiful. As already mentioned, May often brings the first heatwave. Sometimes the 30°C/86°F level is reached already, at least for a few days. In May there is often stable, beautiful weather. For all those travelers who are sensitive to high temperatures, May is a highly recommended month to see Munich. In the morning it is not ice-cold and in the afternoon you can expect an average of 15 to 20 C (59 – 68 F), especially when the weather is fine.

National Holidays and festivities during May in Munich

Learn about the National Holidays during this month as well as other festivities you will encounter when travelling to Munich in May. 

As in many other countries, the first of May is a public holiday in Germany. Labour Day or May Day is traditionally the day on which there are labor union rallies, sometimes with smaller celebrations. In some cities in Northern Germany (usually Berlin and Hamburg) the rallies, unfortunately, become sometimes violent by extreme left-wing groups who are looking for a confrontation with the police. In Munich, however, this has never occurred so far. In contrast, there are often more traditional celebrations, since in many villages or city districts the maypole is erected (see below). Since Labour Day is a public holiday, all shops and malls are closed.

The maypole is a tall, decorated, and sometimes painted wooden trunk that is traditionally positioned in the town square or village square around the first of May. This is a tradition that can be found in many European, especially Germanic cultures. Particularly in German-speaking countries and in the Alpine region, maypoles are often found in towns and villages. If you as a visitor are lucky enough to be in Munich and the greater Munich area around the first of May, you can watch a maypole being put up. The placing of the maypole is usually accompanied by a festival. Traditionally, the respective Burschenverein puts up the maypole without technical aids, such as a crane. In Munich, there are many maypoles, mostly in the different quarters of the city or on central places of the respective districts. But if you would like to experience this tradition as a tourist, you must know that a new maypole is not put up every year. The maypoles usually remain in place for several years until they have to be replaced due to the influence of the weather. But no worries, there are approximately 40 to 50 of such festivities in and around Munich every year. You will soon find the exact dates on a special page around the maypole

Besides Christmas and Easter, Pentecost is one of the most important Christian festivals, especially in Catholic Bavaria. Fifty days after Easter, Christians celebrate the appearance of the Holy Spirit announced by Jesus Christ. The celebrations last two days. These days are Whit Sunday (German: Pfingstsonntag) and Whit Monday (German: Pfingstmontag). Whit Monday is a public holiday in Germany. All shops and malls are therefore closed. In Bavaria, Whit Monday is followed by two weeks of school holidays, so you can see a significant increase in tourism in Munich. The Whit Monday holidays are traditionally the first holidays in Southern Germany when many local people also travel abroad. 

Depending on the weather conditions, the strawberry season in Bavaria begins from mid to late May. Strawberries can be bought everywhere and there are also some strawberry fields in Munich and the region around the city, where you can pick strawberries yourself directly from the field for a fee. When the weather is fine, especially families with small children go on an excursion to pick fresh strawberries. In the restaurants and especially in the cafes you can find all kinds of strawberry cakes or pastries with strawberries. A dream for all travellers who love strawberries.

Would I recommend travelling to Munich in May?

I would definitely recommend you to come to Munich in May. The weather is usually pleasant. It can also be nice and warm already. As a tourist, you can also enjoy all the outdoor activities. The beer gardens are open and there are several festivals. However, I recommend coming outside the German Pentecost holidays. Here it can already get a bit crowded in the city. The hotel prices increase slightly but are not yet as high as in the high season.

Travel weather Munich in May?

When I plan to travel abroad, I always check the average weather conditions for my desired travel time. Everything is better when the weather is right, especially when travelling. Sometimes even a week back or forth can statistically show significantly different weather. Therefore I also would recommend you to check the temperature and sunshine of the last three years to get an idea of how the weather is statistically looking like at your destination. Of course, statistics don’t give you a 100 percent certainty that the weather will be the same again, but the probability is higher.

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